Creepy Quillers
A character pack addon for Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart revolving around scary Sonic content. Check it out here: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/creepy-quillers-char-pack.3862/
Creepy Quillers Char' Pack v3: Soul Tails races in a cowardly manner!
Victim #1 has joined the race, he has witnessed all the horrors from the very start and is ready to follow whatever Sonic.exe commands him to do in this spine-chilling race!
Creepy Quillers Char' Pack v2.2: Kaizoku has a few bones to pick
The pirate-based Badnik model has risen once more to thwart the efforts of Sonic and Co! It will attempt to follow the order it was given by both Dr. Eggman and Eggman Nega,