Creepy Quillers Char' Pack

For those of you who are new, this is a passion project that I've been working on for March to November 2022. It's an addon that is intended for the Sonic racing fan game, Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, developed by Kart Krew. The addon is just a character pack, it simply adds new racers to the base roster of SRB2Kart, but because it's so simple, I wanted to make it a very big pack. It has been a wild ride when it comes to working on it, searching the web for lore and voice actors, stumbling upon new characters to add, working on said characters, collaborating with others online, you name it. The ideas I have for some of the characters are pretty wild and I hope you all look forward to what I have in mind, see you then for whenever I work on it.

Creepy Quillers Char’ Pack
(Note: Characters will be released on a consistent monthly basis. Expect on the 30th day of each month for a new character to be released. The 31st day of certain months does not count. However, at the end of February, characters will be released...